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Old 12-20-2005, 10:31 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Anyone know this guy?

I know it's a general description, but figured I'd check in anyway because I'm curious. Was at the Trop this weekend and was playing in the pink game late night/early morning saturday. Around maybe 5am this kid jumped into the game (it'd moved to $10-20 then, not sure if that's normal). Anyway, he buys two racks of pink and just starts dumping, acts like the game isn't big enough for him. He's a younger kid, maybe 21-25 and a few of the locals are acting like he's some hot-shot, asking him about all his tournament wins and near wins lately (local wins I'm pretty sure). He's wearing pajama pants with playboy bunnies on them and what looked like a soccer warm-up. Athletic looking guy, short hair, maybe around 5'8-5'10. He starts trying to convince people to play $20-40 & $40-80 and while he's not a complete ass, he's definitely an ego-maniac looking for a game of heads up. He eventually got his short-stacked $20-$40 head up freezeout game when we got into a little friendly trash talking. Was asking the poker room manager about it later and apparently the kid plays $80-160 at the Borgata or at least that's what he'd heard? When he went to borrow his bankroll from his buddy (who was sitting next to one of my friends), the guy starts peeling off $2k like it's nothing.

Anyway, figured it's a long-shot, but thought I'd ask on here. I'm curious about this kid and if he's for real, or just some drunk frat boy who's got friends with money to burn.
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