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Old 11-21-2005, 02:09 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: 60 Minutes features on online gambling tonight 7PM EST...

That's a strange argument.

Live gambling is significantly more popular today then it was when there were just back-room places in many states.

Many people who are playing on party-poker have no idea that it's quasi-illegal. They saw it advertised on seems legit...illegal?? are you sure??

I know people who occasionally bet sports online who had no idea it was quasi-illegal...or even that the companies they were placing their bets on weren't even American companies.
Lots of people just don't think about that stuff.

However...some people will be less likely to try it (or continue) if they learn that it is quasi-illegal.

Think Napster as an example.
The risk to those downloading the music was not very high. But lots of people got afraid and stopped doing it through them (obviously since then Napster has re-desgned themselves).
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