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Old 10-24-2004, 07:41 AM
KC50 KC50 is offline
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Default I\'m with you Rick and here\'s what happened...

In my example which actually happened, the floor wasn't called until after the fact. Nothing was said or done by the dealer and after player B said he folded, the pot was pushed to player A without dispute of player B's action. It was only then when another player (we'll call player C) who offered his opinion that player B took a shot to obtain a read and then said he folded. Player C then asked for a floor to make a ruling.

After the floor was called and told what had happened the first thing he said was that this was a tough and delicate situation. He explained being the pot had already been pushed without any dispute by player A that nothing will be changed with the case in question by the 3 party.

However, he did explain that anytime a player moves with chips in a forward motion it may/could be considered a call or bet. He also said that in this case had he been called during the course of play with the pot not awarded, he would have deemed such action by player A a call. Player B had asked for a count and obviously was given such (by player A). He then voluntarily moved a stack next to player A's which was obviously done to get a read then once he got it he folded.


In your scenario, I would put this in the same category and deem the action taken a bet even though chips were not released by definition.

Thanks to you and all the others for their input.

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