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Old 09-30-2005, 01:25 AM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Can the probability of God existence change?

Or is it static?

If intelligent life (that of which matches at least our own intelligence), were discovered elsewhere in the universe, would this increase, decrease, or not change the probability of a Creator?

What if it could somehow be proven with 100% certainty that we were the only intelligent life in the universe. Notice that this is very different from proving the impossibility for other intelligent life forms). Would the fact that we were solely alone in this vast seemingly infinite universe alter probability of a Creator's existence? If so, would that probability increase, decrease, or remain unchanged?

What other things, if proven or disproven, might alter the probability of God's existence particularily for such staunch athiests like Sklansky?

I doubt any one miracle would be enough for sklansky, save for a voice coming out of the sky. But certainly there must be things which he would entertain adjusting the odds. ??
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