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Old 11-11-2005, 06:45 PM
AAAA AAAA is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 40
Default Re: Party Press Release from Investor Realtions

will they switch?

What if Party buys them out? Will Empire be able to market to their old database? When Party bought out one other skin, I believe there was a non-compte agreement, and Party kept the database.

Empire has already started getting players to Noble by making accounts for them directly. However, I believe players can still choose their own affiliate prior to funding the account, from what I have been told.

If Empire really is successful getting players to Noble, then what is Party going to buy? Will Party keep the PokerNow roup on the old platform indefinitely? Would they have to if Empire refused to leave? Empire might be able to make a breach of promise suit stick if they tried to close up shop. I can see Empire being a real nuisance to Party if they had to respond to customer support and cashier on the old platform...they might even get Party to grandfather their existing players into the party platform like InterTops did.

Don't go closing your Empire accounts prematurely!
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