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Old 08-14-2005, 12:19 AM
laserboy laserboy is offline
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Default Re: GWB appoints CEO of Ameriquest Mortgages to ambassador position!

Perhaps a clear explanation of why he's unfit for the job or somesuch.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough.

I'm not sure if how familiar you are with Ameriquest... They are essentially a pump and dump shop that operates out of my hometown of Orange County, CA. They hire 20 year olds to hard sell mortgages to the subprime market only to turn them around to suckerws on the secondary market (subprime being brokerspeak for poor people and suckers being the government and indirectly American taxpayer). The "Boiler Room" analogy is a good one, only they sell extortionary mortgatges rather than stock to fake companies.

In my opinion, he will be looked back on as one of the corporate supervillains of the real estate bubble not unlike Bernie Ebbers or Naveen Jain of the tech bubble.

I think appointing him to public office, especially after the Kenneth Lay fiasco, shows an incredile lack of foresight, not to mention an insult to the people of the Netherlands.
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