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Old 11-15-2005, 08:15 PM
RJT RJT is offline
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Default Re: Philosophy Book Club: Ribbon Cutting

As I read it, we are not getting a description of the Abraham story (of which I remember only the jist) but a description of what one man saw as significant in the story. We are reading the message that he gets from the story.

The man revisits the story several times as he gets older and sees a different message each time.

We are given four different messages (maybe as an intro to stages we and/or the book go through) plus a final teaser about the greatness of the story.


[/ QUOTE ]

I had that same idea that the man retells the story at different stages of his life. I wasn’t sure if that was implied by SK or even the case for sure.

I also agree that SK will probably get into more of what he is offering here as we proceed with F & T. I am going to give the Prelude another go later on this evening. I suggest that we discuss this a bit longer - (Scotch, you set the timetable) - but not get bogged down in it quite yet, as it seems this might be what the whole book deals with in various ways.

I don’t mean to suggest that if someone has a good idea so far that they should refrain from posting it. I certainly will post if I have something to add after my re-read. “Not bloody well likely.” (That last sentence is a quote from Seinfeld. I’ll probably allude to him often as we get into existentialism. Thought I should disclose this from the onset. The Bible, Godfather I and II, To Kill a Mockingbird, Seinfeld and a dictionary - my essential reference material in my life thus far. Mosquito, your use of the word fluff - is that an homage to Seinfeld, too? )
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