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Old 12-26-2005, 11:58 AM
RydenStoompala RydenStoompala is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 261
Default Re: Vegas Mar 10-12 NASCAR WKD

Got the NASCAR tickets, the hotel and the plane tickets. The hotel and airfare were not a big deal. NASCAR tickets, on the other hand, must constitute 80% of the average NASCAR fan's annual entertainment budget. Holy crap are they expensive.

Mirage gave me their usual excellent rates because my wife is a blackjack monster and I ride on her comps. I don't bother asking for poker rates with her along.

My brother-in-law and I have never been to a NASCAR event, so we look at this as a major-league cultural experience. He likens it to going to Grateful Dead concert for the first time (when they weren't dead of course). We plan on keeping a journal, with photos of course. What we're looking for will include:

- biggest ta-ta's
- biggest ta-ta's, best t-shirt
- most missing teeth
- biggest hair
- best mullet
- ugliest NASCAR souvenir
- best-looking Jeff Gordon fan (female)
- dorkiest hat
- most beer consumed prior to the start of the race (will go with...)
- fattest gut
- worst driving/most deliberate collission activity (may be preclaimed by Tony Stewart, but we'll see)

It should interesting. The two wives will be staying well clear of the track. Too bad. It could be expensive leaving them in a casino for 12 hours.

Five days...four days of poker and one for social anthropology.
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