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Old 09-27-2005, 03:00 PM
Big Limpin' Big Limpin' is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 298
Default big\'up to empire, salient refund.

There were some issues yesterday on Empire specific multi.
As near as i can figure it, the Party network was running fine (cash games and SnG), but the Empire specific MTTs were hooped.

Upon waking this morning, i (grumbling syle) log in to empire, to snatch the pertinant tourney #'s so i can fire off my usual "you owe me this much refund, batch" email to support.

Lo! AS i log in, as per normal the little login popup runs, but in liu of the normal advert, theres a personal messagle:

(not verbatim) "Dear XXXX (my real name , even), our appoliges on yesterdays tounament issues. The following tounraments have been refunded : XXXXX"

And it goes on to list the games i was in, and the refund given for each. One was even a guarenteed that had just started, with ~75% of needed entries. So, big overlay and i was bummed to have it cancelled. But, even though it was 4 hands into level 1, i got my 1/302 (correct) cut of the full prize money. Not just a entry refund.

Yeah, so just wanted to say props to Empire for getting it right. Theve made good every time before, but this was the first to strike preemptively, before i even had a chance to get on their case. It does wonders for customer retention, litlle things like this.
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