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Old 01-14-2005, 08:13 AM
thorin thorin is offline
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Default Re: wrong spot to gamble??

It's hard for me to make up my mind. Off course it's hard to know what i would put him on since i have the HH now, but i think i've had him on KJ, QQ or a pocket pair like 99-66. I would certainly not put him on a flushdraw.

The reason for low pocket pair and KJ is that it feels like he has decided preflop to move all-in if a Ace, King or nothing other tricky falls, but off course that's not the case. QQ is not that probable, since he'd probably re-raise you.

If he'd flopped a set, hed probably just check or make a smaller bet.

But if you sincerely put him on a flushdraw (im not saying your lyin', but sometimes it's easy to think you put them on their hand after you've seen it, i've done so many times) you did the right move.
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