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Old 12-29-2005, 10:17 PM
bozlax bozlax is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 365
Default Re: Weak Overcard Play

I want to understand your reasoning against my "meta-game" continuation bet.

[/ QUOTE ]

[DavidC paragraph]

I am coming more and more to the conclusion that at nano- and micro-limits any justification for an action that includes the words "meta game" is completely specious. First, the vast majority of the players you're up against aren't paying any attention to what you're doing or devoting any attention to what you might be holding. Second, if you happen to sit down with one that is trying to pay attention his sample size is going to be so small that he's not going to have anything beyond a default read on what your actions mean. Third, if you have a player at your table advanced enough to be able to pay attention, it's pretty likely that he's multi-tabling and so playing ABC and relying on PA-HUD stats for his reads. And finally, as I said, it's irrelevant most of the time anyway, because even if he says to himself, "Self, these are the actions of a player holding an overpair!" he's going to follow that right up with, "But, he might also be playing overcards strongly, so I'm going to call down with my pair of threes," because THAT'S what he really wants to do, and so he's going to find a reason that will allow him to do it, if he's got a hand that he played against your preflop raise.

[/DavidC paragraph]
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