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Old 09-07-2005, 10:20 AM
Cooker Cooker is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 159
Default Re: So Why is Stealing Wrong Again?

I believe that the laws against stealing and the attitude that stealing is wrong are propagated by those with lots of stuff to steal (i.e. the wealthy). As you know, I don't believe in right and wrong, so I have no problem with stealing on its own. However, I believe that the laws against stealing must have some utility. The US is a property based society and as such has been one of the most successful of all time. I think it would be hard to have a property based society where personal property has no protection under the law. So I would not likely support a repeal of all laws involving stealing. I think when people steal there is a simple cost benefit analysis done on whether or not they should steal at least subconciously. Is the risk of going of prison for x years worth the potential gain over what I could gain through socially acceptable means during those x years with some added consideration for immediate gratification? I think most thieves would answer this question yes if they could fully grasp the meaning.
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