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Old 12-29-2005, 02:52 PM
PairTheBoard PairTheBoard is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 46
Default Re: How -EV is DreamClown Preflop?

ohnonotthat - <font color="white"> ..

</font> Is he using these tactics because he want to show the world he is so great he can win despite the handicap of giving up so much preflop ?


Is he contending that this is actually a good strategy ?


[/ QUOTE ]

Dreamclown claims he's done "the math" and I think he believes his play is optimal. Here's the back and forth on the subject by Negreanu and Dreamclown/aka Sasone

From FCP Negreanu-Dreamclown Thread toward the bottom - page 36.
DanielNegreanu wrote:
"He prides himself on his mathematical knowledge of the game, but his math is flawed! He plays a lot like Gus Hansen plays limit hold'em, and while it's pretty close to optimal strategy, playing 7-2 in all situations is a play with more negative EV than simply folding it pre-flop. Assuming, of course, that you are up against a tough opponent.

He is a stubborn little punk, though, so I doubt he'll ever make that adjustment. I don't mind telling him, because I'm certain that he is so narrow minded that he truly believes that his approach is the best.

He talks a lot about all the bets I'm "missing", but he fails to realize that he is dumping off a ton of extra bets by habitually playing 7-2 off suit out of position.

He is way more aggressive than I am, and I'm comfortable in that position. I'm nore than happy to let him hang himself again and again. It's true that he wins more of the "dead money," I'll grant him that, but he isn't overcoming his other holes with those pots by any stretch.

I will not play long sessions online until I'm used to it. This kid plays a tons of hours and I think after playing for say, 10 straight hours he'd have an edge because of his experience.

I'm slowly getting used to it and will eventually be able to play longer stretches. As for now, I think 4-5 hours is about all I'm good for."

Sasone/aka Dreamclown -

"Calling down 8 high unrelated OUT OF POSITION on kjj7, flop and turn, and losing to q high was just one of the many horrible 'investments'. I will get 3-1 to call 72 and know when to release it early (or when to bet the 2 i get checked into by k high). But these absurdly fishy calldowns with zero intention at making a move at the pot... If that doesn't resemble the very worst of Gus Hansen, what does? Also, I agree playing 72 is less optimal against a tough player than a weak one. But which one are you???????????????????????????

You know where to find me, rag doll. "

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