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Old 12-20-2005, 09:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The disgraceful right-wing distortion on the domestic spying issue

It is a shame that at a time of war, we cannot be supportive of our Commander in Chief. At a time when Islamic terrorists want nothing more than to kill every last one of us I personally see nothing wrong with this. Do you know of a single instance where an inoccent person has suffered as an example? In this war against muslim extremists he is only acting to uphold the oath he took on the day he was sworn in as President to protect his fellow Americans. There is federal case law supporting what he has done. It is perfectly legal.

The truth of the matter is that if it were a liberal president, those of you that are complaining would be standing by this right now. Hell, we see how ineffective President Clinton was at fighting terrorism but all you lib's can do is put down the president that IS doing something about it.
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