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Old 07-19-2005, 12:47 AM
josh3336 josh3336 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 73
Default Re: 100 dollar bankroll....

Yea back when I didn't really understand the concept of a bankroll and I deposited 50 only to play 10+1's and 20+2's. I managed to get up to 125 but then something disasterous happened. I let a buddy of mine play on my account and he started out with a 5 dollar tourney here and there, but eventually he got up to over 500 dollars in addition to the 125 that was mine... He then would play in 100+9's mult table just to get to play with Chris Ferguson,(and he was actually at the same table as him once but he managed to continuation bet his AQ untill he pushed all in on the river with nothing) I guess when you really never had it it's not to hard to lose. Anyway one nite he came in my room and started playing and let his pride get on the line and like about 6 20 dollar heads up to this one guy. I eventually went to bed and woke up to a dollar in my account. So to make a long story short it's probably not best to let a friend play on your account, but hey you live and you learn.
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