Thread: Clarity
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Old 12-15-2005, 05:00 PM
Scotch78 Scotch78 is offline
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Default Re: Clarity

But a bigger problem is a lot of Philosophy student types write in complex, superfluous and obfuscating prose to try and show off/sound clever. It's like there's some unwritten rule that the more it makes the reader frown and squint, the more profound the content. I'm reasonably convinced it's the opposite that's true. I'm not sure if anyone's with me on this, but this tendency annoys the crap out of me, since it's seems so anathema to the whole purpose of Philosophical enquiry.

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I agree 100%. Good philosophy is like Lysol. We're all full of [censored], but a philosopher's doesn't stink. Needless to say, "complex, superfluous and obfuscating prose" smells even worse than plain language.

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