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Old 08-26-2005, 03:00 PM
KeysrSoze KeysrSoze is offline
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Default Re: Iraq War (a few facts)

This is pointless. Everyone without blinders on can and has seen that the Iraq war started as just a vendetta of the current administration against Saddam. WMD was the buzzword at the start to sugarcoat it to the public. When they didn't find a field of burried 10 year old mustard gas, the focus shifted to liberating the Iraqi people. Now when we see that a bunch of those people don't seem to want to be liberated, its all about terr'ism. Was Saddam a dick who needed to go? Yeah, theres a bunch of them in the world. Does the ends justify the means? A lot of times yes, but the end has to be better than the beginning or what was the point?
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