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Old 12-21-2005, 05:20 PM
Lloyd Lloyd is offline
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Default Re: Ooops I missed. Line check?

Position. Position. Position. I don't see how bluffing at an aggressive LAG out of position is the most profitable situation to be in.

Pre-flop. Obviously you're hand is ahead of his range. If I had position I'd raise even if I thought he'd call me. It's not just to win the pot pre-flop but to make it easier to play post flop. In the blind, out of position, I don't necessarily mind just completing as I don't want to play a big pot against this type of player out of position.

I really don't know what to say about your flop and turn bets. You're making a move on him. If you think you can outplay him that way then great. But against that type of player it's tought. If he's just a calling station (post flop) then I think it's more profitable then if he's a LAG who will very likely raise your bet. You might have the best hand here. In fact, if he's very laggy you're certainly ahead of his range with Ace high. But remember, monsters in the blinds are rarely played by leading out (which is why I love to lead out with monsters). But from his perspective, if he's good, he should know that by you leading out he can win the pot with a raise most of the time.

On the river, I don't see you getting called by a worse hand often enough to make the push profitable. I do like the check-call if he's aggressive. If he's a true calling station then I'd bet again on the river.

I don't know. I understand how to make moves in poker. But more often than not I'm up against someone who doesn't understand that they *should* fold when I'm making a move. ABC poker online is usually a more profitable standard. If I'm up against a good, thinking player then I can become creative. And if I have position I can certainly steal pots. But out of position against a possible calling station and I'd try and play this type of hand cheaply.
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