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Old 12-07-2001, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: do you believe you can beat index funds?

I gather by your statements that you do believe you can beat an index like the Russell 1000 index (small cap stock index) or possibly you mean even smaller stocks than that - I think there is another index that does measuer that, but I'm not sure.

Does the edge of these snipbits of info beat the higher vig you pay on smaller stocks? I don't know, what do you think?

Also, I am slighly wary of this info not known to the general public but still public info. I've known several very smart doctors lose money on small medical stocks because they thought they had knowledge not applied in the market. I believe it is true that if one is bright and smart, and knows how to apply information to the marketplace, one may be able to beat the market indices in small stocks...but what I am saying is that even if you are a brain surgeon, it doesn't necessarily translate to applying your brain with the info to beat the market even with some insider information (again, we're talking public info that the general public may not know or use). But of course, a brain surgeon and an accomplished professional gambler are two very different brains...I would put my money on the professional gambler understanding how to apply the info he may have over the brain surgeon.
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