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Old 09-18-2003, 08:40 AM
BruceZ BruceZ is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

Not regarding pro-suicide bombing propaganda, which is what I'm referring to here; it refers to other countries regarding funding for Hamas, IJ, and AAM.

That's all I was intending to show, that a number of other countries support these terrorist groups. That was my main point, the suicide bombing was just one way to show that.

It says it's distributed on the internet, which means it's available to anyone with internet access, except as you point out in certain countries where some pages are censored.

Right, and that means it's available in the countries where it's censored, so the government lets it through. It is well known that the government supports propaganda of this kind.

Er, I call it a call from a mosque, broadcast on TV. I see no mention of schools, or other Arab countries. I've acknowledged that there is some propaganda of the type you describe diseeminated through PA media; maybe your comprehension and/or short-term memory skills could use a little work.

You just admitted that in your last post that I was responding to, check *your* short term memory. If you admit that, then you've made my case for me. The government supports propaganda aimed at getting kids to become suicide bombers and blow up as many Israeles as they can. Done. I win. As for the schools, I know I can find evidence for that because I've seen the evidence as I describe in my recent addition to the last post, but I don't need that anymore. I only needed that to show that the government supports this propaganda, and you agree with that so I'm done.

I did not say I disagreed with the claim that some Arab governements fund terrorist groups.

2 for 2.

"I specifically mentioned the suicide bombing propaganda directed towards children, go look again."

In the post I asked for evidence for, and disagreed with, you did not. I'll quote it again:

You haven't read the newest additions to that thread yet.

"The experts who make their living studying such things tell us that these terrorist groups such as Hamas wouldn't be able to operate in the manner they do without the financial sponsorship of the state.

This is why I inluded the financial link. To show how much money they get from these states, and to show that they would be severely limited without state support.

I also added some stuff to the previous post in this thread, probably while you were writing.

The bottom line is, I believe that Arab countries (and I never said most, show me where I said most)

As for "most Arab governments", that depends on if you go by what they do, or if you are gullible and go by what the tell the west their policy is. If you want to know what their true attitude is, look at what the government controlled schools teach their kids. That it is their duty to hate the west, to hate Israel, and that it is an honroable purpose to kill all the infidels who trespass on their land. "

That's not saying anything about what I think most Arab governments do. If you think it does, maybe you should get your comprehension checked. It's saying if you listen to what they tell the west, then you're gullible, no matter what they actually do, and if you want to know what they do, here's how to go about finding out. I have done this for *some* Arab governments, which is all I claimed at the top of this thread. I happen to believe that I can do it for more, I don't know about most, as in 12/22, I didn't put it in those terms.

I'm happy with your final conclusion. I know much more and I could prove more, but that's all I really care to prove.
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