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Old 12-19-2005, 10:59 PM
doggin doggin is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 120
Default Hitler\'s world would have worked........

Am I the only one who believes Hitler's vision would have been a success?

Yes.....I know......but what about all the people that died
from his rule, scary was'nt it?

But maybe he saw a little further down the road than most of us .

He had commented on how America was too far gone as a
country due to it's melting pot population. The man spoke
the truth there!

In 50 years......the white-caucasian will be a 3 to 1 dog
(little poker there), in America., with hispanics/latinos

Good thing? Bad thing? Not sure. I'm white and my ancestors
were from Prussia. I have a bad feeling about my son being a 3 to 1 dog in his country in 50 years.

We shall see.
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