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Old 11-03-2005, 03:22 AM
jt1 jt1 is offline
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Default what makes a republican/Democrat


1) free market gurus (liberals)
2) Christian conservatives (conservatives)
3) Nationalists (conservatives)
4) Major corporations (non-idealistic, self interested)

The free market gurus believe strongly that the best way to gurantee equal opportunity for all is a totally a free market. Many of these people also believe in social freedom and could care less about America's position of power in the world.

The conservative Christians and the Nationalists group are very similar. The only difference is that the former worship Christ first and America second while the latter worship America first and Christ second. These people believe that America is Good and is destined to be the worlds lone superpower. It is our duty as Americans to insure that destiny is fulfilled.


1)Labor Unions (non idealistic, self interested)
2)Urban activist (half liberal and half conservative)
3)social libertarians (liberal)
4)Enviromental groups (anti-conservative but not exactly liberal, there members are probably social libertarians, however)

Most of these groups are self explanatory, especially if you read my earlier post which explains what it means to be liberal and conservative and how many urban activist or only half liberal. Enviromentalist are interesting because they aren't liberal but just anti-corporation and anti-nationalists. I do feel, however, that most enviromentalists are also social libertarians.

I find this interesting that you can be a Republican and hate the conservative christians and nationalists, being pro-corporation and anti-labor. And you can be a Democrat that believes that America is a Christian nation destined by God to be the worlds lone super power.
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