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Old 07-08-2005, 02:17 AM
tjh tjh is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 176
Default Re: Laying Down QQ Preflop

I pushed QQ all-in as big stack in a live tourney tonight only to face KK from the min raiser that I pushed into. The loss had me feeling foolish but this guy may have been playing anything. As I drove home I did the math.

Pushing with QQ what do you have to fear ?
Aces and Kings.
There are only 8 of them, you have seen two cards so
8/50 * 7/49 = .022 or so.
So two percent of the time you will be facing some combination of aces and Kings.
AK = You are slight favorite.
AA = You are underdog.
KK = You are underdog.

So what happened to me and to you will happen once out of 50 hands or so. Actually less because I added Big slick to the hands to fear and you are ahead in the big slick showdown.

Your mistake in not pushing preflop is when K or A comes on the flop. Then a much larger range of hands are of concern.

Push those ladies.

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