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Old 07-21-2005, 12:00 AM
A-Baum A-Baum is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 2
Default Your downswings ever site specific?

When you go into a major downswing, do you ever find it to be site specific? Can you fire up another site and do well, but when you go back to the first site you're still in a downswing?

Just curious because I am experiencing that right now. Signed up with UB and have been on a huge downswing since the first hand. I am 0-16 in their SNGs ranging from $6-$22. I am down 100BB at the $1/$2 NL. I fire up Stars, and I was ITM in 6-13. The 6-max NL is like an ATM machine for me. I go back to UB to try and finish clearing the bonus (which will apparently take me all year) and I go 0-7 again in SNGs and slaughtered at the ring games.

At Stars I get paid off constantly, but at UB I always seem to be up against a monster. The last 6 UB SNGs I busted out of were either full house beaten by quads twice, flush beat my trips, etc etc.

Just wondering if jumping sites during a downswing has helped anyone, or does the bad luck/cards follow you wherever you go until it's over?
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