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Old 11-01-2005, 05:31 PM
kiemo kiemo is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 205
Default Re: Please look at my 50K stats. I must totally suck.

When I first read the OP I knew the first 5 answers were going to be increase VPIP to 18% becuase thats the exact same advice people said to me in a similar thread I made a few weeks ago (i was around 13% too).

Problem was no one was able to actively point out where to get the extra 5% from even when I provided hand histories. Best answer I got was 'Figure it out yourself'.

I dont disagree when you guys say 13% is way too low, but simply telling someone to increase it isnt a good answer. Its a pre fabricated answer, you look at the stats and say - yep this is too low/too high/too low/too high like the numbers are an exact science. Now the question OP asked is pretty generic, so I cant really fault anybody for a generic answer, but we simply cant analyze anything in depth from his numbers. We need to see hands.

So to the OP, you are going to have to get over yourself and start posting hands, reading and UNDERSTANDING concepts in the books, and looking over hands on these boards. Unless you get someone to coach you or look over a sample of your hands, no one here can really tell you what you need to improve on besides some generic 'play more hands, but not too many hands' answer.

Simply raising your VPIP and PFR isnt going to solve your problems, becuase unless you understand why you making certain plays you most likely are going to start making the plays just so your numbers look right, which will lead to more lost BBs.
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