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Old 12-23-2005, 06:12 AM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default Re: Overplayed JJ? FullTilt 16K ($24+2)

I hate check/reraises from UTG -

given the quality of my hand and the fact you have a caller, you could be facing a squeeze player, but with 4000 more to go and the probability of ANY hand here you may have to side with a crying call -

How far are you from the money, BTW? - You have an average stack right now for the cash - this guy doesn't need to gamble, so a push looks suspicious, but the fact it was check/raised is cause for concern too...

I'd PROBABLY let it go ... I almost never see a check-raise preflop, esp. UTG, that isn't A's or K's - I need reads on the players but given the reads you just listed, you got 14K in chips and plenty of time to donk off more chips - save 4K and fold.

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