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Old 12-25-2005, 07:14 AM
Martin Martin is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 20
Default Re: Scary Bar Situation

If I were that dude with a knife getting out-angled by a pretty boy, I'd go for the face, by the way.

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There is a commonly used S cut. Imagine a quick s movement performed infront of your face. It starts on the right hand side slicing across the forehead causing blood to flow into the eyes, then the blade turns and travels diagonally taking out the left eye followed by cutting a piece off the nose and upper lip, it then makes another turn and ends on your chin. If your lucky he leaves you like this, I'm sure plastic surgery is great there, if your unlucky he finishes by stabbing you a few times and leaves you to bleed out. With the blood loss / trauma coupled with the lack of emergency services you don't have much chance.

So best case you are disfigured and blinded, worst case you die slowly and painfully! Evaluate this situation and see if it's worth it for some random bar tart?
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