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Old 11-16-2005, 10:35 PM
JohnnyHumongous JohnnyHumongous is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 382
Default Re: Hypothetical Questions Regarding Limit Selection

Hi Johnny,

Great post. This is something I've pondered in my own "career" quite often. I tend to come to the conclussion that I should move up in limits, and that I'd probably make more immediately. I suspect that I'm falling into the trap of being too comfortable where I am.

For me, comfort is worth a lot, which is why I suspect I'll never make it to the highest levels of the game. I'm a very confident person and believe that I have the necessary skills to do it, but I'm just not enough of a thrill seeker to enjoy the trip. A little part of me is sad about that, but then, I also know that this game will never bust me either.

Random thoughts, take them for what you will.


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Hi Eric. Thanks for your interesting feedback. In a way it makes me feel good that poker can be so comfortable. I myself have a very stressful life outside of poker (60 hour per week job that I started about 10 weeks ago, personal ambitions like working out, entrepreneurship, social life etc.) and ironically, playing poker for thousands of dollars has become one of the LEAST stressful things in my life.

I have a habit of expecting excellence in every aspect of my life. The problem is, this can be brutally stressful and difficult if one is seeking excellence in many different areas.

I feel that if I had no other responsibilities besides poker, it would increase the likelihood of me successfully attempting to climb the rungs of the poker ladder. Right now it seems like a difficult endeavor, but in the near future it may be the case that I do put everything else aside for a while and I would be able to focus on poker (if I took a 6 month sabbatical from work in a couple years for instance).
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