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Old 07-11-2005, 03:58 PM
jaguar jaguar is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 30
Default Re: Book on valuation framework

Maybe i should try to rephrase my question. Please have patience since english is not my native language.

I am an economics student with specialization in finance theory. I pretty much much know modern portfolio theory, how to calculate a boatload of diffrent ratios from statements and a lot of nice formulas. The area i am lackin in is however how to apply thoose things in deciding if an investment is a good bet or not. The ideal book for me would be filled with case studies on investment opportunities and how an experienced investor aproaches them. I would like to read about such things as:

- what weighting to give diffrent indicators in your analysis
- when to use comparative studies and when they become traps
- how to account for small volume in a stock
- a framework for qualitative analysis like boardmembers, market trends, macroeconomics, expected earnings increases and future growth
-How to sum all this up in an expected stock price

Also i would love if the book was not only on stocks but also included real estate and bonds.

I have found plenty of books on how to read statements and how to calculate single and multifactor NPV. Also i found a few on general investment philosophy. The thing i want to know is how to exectute the analysis of a investment decition.

I hope you understand me a bit more now.
Thankful for all answers.
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