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Old 12-19-2005, 09:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Most disgusting thing you\'ve ever seen someone do in a public rest

I worked in the worst bar EVER. Every day there was something wrong in the bathroom. In the guys room, someone would break the sh*tter every Saturday night. I got REAL good at replacing the toilet. The last 6 months of the place we just capped the drain and just had a urinal. If you had to poo go somewhere else.

Ok on to the worst thing I ever saw - A woman comes in the bar with her kid, "Can my kid use your bathroom?". It's day time, why not...She leaves, big thank you, someone goes in the womans room and says "You gotta see this". Uh Oh, never good words in my bar. The woman took her kid's diaria filled diaper and SMASHED it against the wall. I mean SMASHED IT! You could still see her hand print and everything. It was everywhere. Getting sick thinking about it 10 years later. **Gag** The most farked up thing ever...

I got ton more but that one wins hands down.
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