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Old 12-27-2005, 04:35 PM
RIDGE45 RIDGE45 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 49
Default Re: Addiction is a disease?

Your post is extremely misguided...

Any psychologist, scientist, etc. who claims depression RESULTS from a chemical imbalance is an idiot. Psychologists use SSRI's because they work...they do not believe that the face they work explain the causes of the depression.

An SSRI selective blocks the reuptake of a chemical called serotonin (SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). This happens to help the symptoms of depression (but causes some nasty side effects....weight gain, etc.). When SSRI's were first discovered many hypothesized that depression must then be a result of a serotonin "imbalance". This has sense been proven, for the most part, false. It is just that that lower levels of serotonin are associated with depression and SSRI's help the symptoms of depression.

It would be like claiming headaches are caused by a lack of aspirin since aspirin "cures" headaches. This is not the case but one can not refute that aspirin helps headaches...same goes for SSRI's and depression.

Your post is uneducated. You attack a field, and a theory, that you obviously know nothing about. It is sad that people stubbornly stick to their OPINIONS of psychology, mental illness and treatment with little regard for what has been discovered, and what is being discovered, through research. Scientists, and psychologists alike work tirelessly to prove/disprove the theories of psychology through studies (both behavioral and scientific) in order to convince uniformed, biased skeptics like yourself that psychology is real.

I challenge you to research the field of psychology and neuroscience. Do not let the actions of a few bad pscyhologists/scientists cause you to ridicule a whole field that is helping society cope/deal with such diseases as alzhiemers, addiction, aging, strokes, etc, etc, etc.
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