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Old 12-21-2003, 06:08 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Con(servative) artists

"I personally don't think liberals are less patriotic that Republicans. I don't think it is a liberal or conservative thing."

I am not referring to you when I claim that conservatives lie, that they lie big and that they lie most of the time. I don't know you personally so I cannot tell. That you jump up at every opportunity to defend the conservatives from my accusation is intriguing, on two fronts: (a) it may indicate from you an unwitting identification with their causes, depite your repeated denials that you have ever inhaled conservative fart, and (b) it robs me of the chance to debate this with an out-out-out proponent of those lies!

"What the heck does patriotic mean anyway?"

I cannnot define what patriotic is but I know it when I see it

"The perennial and blatant conservative lie about liberals being less patriotic than conservatives... : This is clearly an opinion. Please tell me sir, how is this a lie?"

No, it is not an opinion, it is a lie. All kidding aside, one of the primary attributes of patriotism (Greek patris: one's country) is to willingly serve your country. It is therefore dowright insulting and as blatant a lie as they come, when conservatives accuse as "unpatriotic" people who have served their country in uniform and have seen battle, especially when those same conservatives have shirked from that elementary patriotic duty.

The sight of politican chicken hawks accusing as "unpatriotic"liberal politicians, when liberal war veterans in Congress outnumer conservative war veterans, is nauseating. They are using a pure, unadulterated lie for petty politics. They know that this is not so (one man had lost two legs and an arm, for pete's sake, yet his loyalty to America was questioned by his GOP prick of an opponent), and they know that their claim is completely unsupported by facts, yet they consciously mouth off those false claims, in order to gain political brownie points.


PS : Republican politicians were not always like that. It was a Republican who was among the first to stand up to the lies and smears of Joe McCarthy. People were more honorable back then, and politics was not as disgusting a pit of lying hounds as it's become.

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