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Old 12-13-2005, 09:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: What would you do here?

I think this is a bit strange. At the end of the day, you were guaranteed 2:1 on your money (maybe a tiny bit more if there were antes) and you folded when you had complete confidence he didn't have Aces or Kings? Which means worse case sceanario you had a coin toss, and best case he had A-Small with 3outs.

Your play is a losing money one. No matter how good you are, when everything is in your favour, you have to take those shots. Even if sometimes God favours the fool.

I say this having reraised a drunk idiot in a £550 no limit tournament with AKos..he called with Q2os and spiked a Queen. I'd do it again as well. Irrespective of my skills I can't be in better shape than this.
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