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Old 11-27-2005, 02:48 AM
carlo carlo is offline
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Default Re: de asini umbra disceptare

Baptism, what is it in reality? The baptism performed by John the Baptist, what was it's reality?

The "baptism by water" was the "old" way of an experience of spiritual sight. At the time of John baptism consisted of immersing the baptised in water for a period of time and thus loosening a higher spiritual body(I believe "Manas" in oriental knowledge and the "ether body"(not to be mixed up with the ether of physics) in western occult knowledge. This resulted in a "picture panorama" of the spoiritual world which contained a history of a man's life. People who have experienced near death in our day(near drowning,shock,etc.) often speak of this review of their life.

At that time this spiritual body was loose enough in individuals that it could be done without causing death. Nowdays it would be very dangerous to attempt such a maneauver as this "manas" has become more connected to the physical body.

This "initiation" can only be accomplished at the present time by a man consciously experiencing "illumination" through thinking and here is the "Holy Spirit". Christ came and began the "baptism by fire" which is the karmic work of individuals via the Lord of Karma who is the Christ Being.

Bap[tism will continue to be debated in the Catholic Church and indeed in other Christian churches for in the present understanding via the intellect there is much left unsaid. It is their Karmic Work.

The post by RJT reveals this compassion by a Catholic theologian who does understand that he does not understand baptism but is working on it. At root is that to condemn a lost infant to perdition because of earthly Place(nation,race,circustances,etc.) is repellent to this theologian.

"Condemnatory Christianity" is the work of men but the compassion of Christ is working in them via the Holy Spirit in order to ascertain the truths involved.

Yes, the Catholic Church has loosened what one might call a dogmatic belief without compassionate consideration to what one may call a kinder, gentler approach. This church and indeed all men are in motion and the "yoke is light and the burden easy" of Christ.

I'd liken this church to a young boy who wears his Father's overcoat which is a comical picture of a coat that reaches the floor and wears his Father's large hat. The Catholic Church, which was begun by those who had direct perception of the Spirituality of Christ received this "Toga of Responsibility" which was Rome and the Caesars. The boy grows and someday will redeem this cloak through their works.

This is something that can be admired by understanding men.This life is in motion and takes "Time", each man receives his work, gladly accepted prior to incarnation into physicallity.

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