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Old 12-20-2005, 04:43 PM
Skipbidder Skipbidder is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Illinois
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Default Re: Not being able to STAY asleep

He probably won't get Imovane (zopiclone) in the US.
He might be able to get Lunesta, however (and perhaps as a sample). Lunesta is basically a slimy trick by a pharmaceutical company to avoid patent laws. Lunesta is the effective isomer of zopiclone (eso-zopiclone), but is not any more effective in practice. The same thing was done with Nexium (vs. Prilosec) and Xopenex (vs. albuterol).

My practice would usually be to avoid new drugs for a few years when there are older drugs that are reasonable. This is not a problem for Lunesta, however, since zopiclone has been safely used for years worldwide. I haven't prescribed Lunesta because I don't have reason to. It is not on formulary at my hospital for inpatients. (I would be unlikely to use it anyway, chosing Ambien, trazodone, or a benzo first anyway.) As far as outpatients are concerned, my office doesn't take pharmaceutical samples (a practice I wholeheartedly support), so I don't have any to hand out. After taking care of sleep hygiene issues (and taking care of mood disorders, which are sometimes at the root of sleep problems), I don't have to prescribe for sleep very often.

It still sounds like cleaning up your sleeping habits would be the preferable first choice for you. This can often be difficult in the environment you find yourself in.
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