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Old 12-21-2005, 09:13 PM
mittman84 mittman84 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 34
Default Re: Math Degrees and Careers

Thanks for the info again. If you don't mind me asking, where did you go to undergrad school and where are you now? (could PM me if you dont want to post here) We have Advanced Calculus I and II which has a pre rec of calc3 obviously and introduction to analysis, so maybe those are the real analysis courses. My goal is to get a PhD at a good (but not necessarily great ) school, and become a college econ professor at a medium (or bigger) sized school (such as the one I am at, Central Michigan University). At my school many of my professors have been published and continue to do research. The one I like the most has been published many times studying cartels and economic history. Doing research and teaching economics really interests me. I was told there is going to be a high demand for economic PhDs at universitys because there will be many retirements in the coming future, but econphd made it sound like there isnt (but I think they were talking about top 5 school possitions)
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