Thread: Should he pay?
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Old 02-23-2002, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: Should he pay?

He obviously has no integrity and I would not only not pay him, but tell him what a jerk he is. What kind of a person comes up to you 2.5 years after the fact AND winning 3M recently and asks for money. Giving him the extreme benefit of the doubt and assuming he actually did lose the money, he erred in not contacting the backer immediately after booking the loss to collect. At the very least he should have thought the situation over, realized he messed up by allowing so much time to lapse and let it go. The way he handled it, not only does he not have the money, but he has proven himself to be a bonafide ass to even ask for it after informing the guy that he booked three million in six months. Totally classless guy.
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