Thread: Should he pay?
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Old 02-22-2002, 01:17 PM
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Default Should he pay?

Player one (p1) is seated next to me at the table, when player two (p2) comes up to talk to him. I think almost all of you would recognize p2's name, if not his face.

He says that when p1 had a piece of his action in the 1000-2000 game, he lost $50,000. Therefore, p1 owes him $5000, since he took 10%. Makes sense, right?

But p1 says that was 2 1/2 years ago, and that at that time he asked p2's dad how p1 did in the game. Dad said p2 broke even. So p1 never gave it a second thought. Besides, he is easy to find, since he plays regularly at two or three LA cardrooms, and he is at the WSOP every year. Why hasn't he heard about this before?

P2 adds that he has been on a huge winning streak, winning $3 million in the past 6 months, so he isn't asking to be paid because he needs the money, he just wants what he is owed. He also offers to take a polygraph to prove he actually lost the money.

P2 is very angry that p1 won't pay him immediately rather than think about it. What do you think?

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