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Old 08-17-2002, 05:14 AM
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Default Where is the outrage over this?

Maybe its because we are supposed to be patriots or maybe it would be un-PC to speak out, but I couldn't hold back my incredulous thoughts after reading about this "lawsuit" that the 600 families filed against everyone they could think of. First of all, is the media so jaded that they just let their ridiculous claim go unmentioned. These people are asking for over $110 TRILLION. Think about it, the US is a $10 trillion economy, over 11 times that. The government of Sudan is being sued for $100 trillion alone, as "punitive damages". Imagine that, what do the victims families want, reinstitution of slavery for generations in Sudan??? It got worse. One of the family members said "were not doing it for the money, we just feel helpless..." Hmmm, anytime someone says I am not doing it for the money I assume its for the money. After all, $100 billion against Sudan and you would pretty much wipe the country off the map...why make it that outrageous if its not about the money? Another said "we have to make sure that these people can never have the capacity to do this again". Hmmm, so you think you have found the only sponsors of terrorism and if you just get their money the world is going to be safe and peaceful, is that it? Yeah, right keep wishing. Then I found out the lawyer behind it (and there is always an asswipe lawyer behind it) was also heavily involved in the states tobacco settlement. Another beauty, the old tobacco settlement where states officially proved instead of passing real laws against tobacco, they are addicts of the money, much in the way people complain states are addicts of lottery money. This wondeful attorney re-asserted that the issue is to punish and prevent terrorism. Uh, kinda like you wanted to punish and prevent smoking deaths there buddy? Well didn't work that way did it? The states got most of the money and squandered it for the most part, many are so in hock right now they have to raise taxes or cut services so that money is almost all gone. The people that were punished? You got it, the people that are still smoking today that pay for it by higher taxes and prices. Not that I am a fan of smokers, but come on, the whole "point" of the settlement was to cause pain for tobacco companies and all they did is pass the whole cost along like anyone would have guessed. That is the problem here. If the lawsuit succeeds even modestly, its not terrorists that are going to get hurt. Its the people of these countries, 95% of them never would commit a terrorist act or condone it. The 5% who do get their money outside of the "system" and will continue to get money, maybe even more from sympathetic folks that will be outraged by any decision made about this case. Add to that plenty of recruits from societies that will suffer if these families get money. So tell me, where is all the outrage over this? Am I the only one who sees these obvious points or does the media just like to gloss over them? Families deserve a day in court, but this lawsuit deserves some very big trash cans.

One last thought, and its a scary one. Imagine if a man lost his wife and kids in an auto accident. It turns out the driver was sober and no one was really all that at fault, just a chain reaction. Problem was the woman is driving a small car and the guy who hit her due to the chain reaction accident is driving an Expedition or an F350 (or whatever big car you want to use). Well man gets this wonderful lawyer fresh off his successes and the lawyer comes up with a plan. Lets sue Ford because the accident was purely the cause of this monstrosity on the road. They damn well should have known that lives were in danger just due to the sheer size of this vehicle, after all any crash test would have shown what it would do to a small car. You know what, lets not just sue Ford, lets sue Wells Fargo because they did the auto loan and without it the guy couldn't buy his vehicle. We need to punish them for putting all these lives in danger in their push for profits so we will try to win $1 trillion. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Well not if this lawsuit gets the time of day in court, there isn't a whole lot that could stop something like this from happening. If Wells Fargo and Ford take the brunt of a lawsuit, who ends up paying? Yep, you got point about how ridiculous this lawsuit is and how it could end up costing every American at the benefit of the families who "aren't in it for the money."
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