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Old 04-01-2005, 02:36 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 81
Default Why Geniuses Don\'t Make Money

Well, of course they do, but proportionally they don't. Nobel Prize winners average 140+ IQs, CEO's about 120.

Harvard professors are very smart, the biggest used car dealership owner in your area is probably less intelligent.

Why the disparity and how does this apply to poker????
Well, you could argue geniuses veer away from the marketplace, enter an altruistic world of ideas, etc. where they can do the most good...Ok, there's some merit there, but i really think people move toward what they're good at.

I think, bottom line, people get rich because they understand the marketplace/consumer. Often, this is just a matter of understanding poor people. Whether you invest in small income rentals, own a chain of fast food restaurants, strip clubs, money store, mortgage co, or move up the chain in a discount retailer, you need to understand poor people and why they do what they do.

Moving on to poker, you need to be able to deal with tough players. often this means avoiding them when possible. But the live ones pay the bills. How to extract the most money from them??? You need to understand their thought processes.
I believe this is what creates the much greater earn for the hustlers than the geniuses.
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