Thread: A plea
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Old 10-28-2005, 07:06 PM
NLSoldier NLSoldier is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: St. Cloud, MN
Posts: 91
Default A plea

Since our mods are unwilling to ban mplspoker, can't we just make a mid/high agreement to not reply to any of his posts? Everyone just keeps telling him the same thing over and over, he has clearly demonstrated that he is too dense to understand the message. There is no point in arguing with him any further. Now its just clogging threads and ruining what could have been good poker discussion.

I know the temptation to reply and argue with people who post incredibly retarded stuff can be strong (just look at the barron vunger tooth thread), but I think we would all be better off if we could agree to stop replying to him all together.

If you think Im wrong or think his posts somehow contribute to this forum, please explain. I'm sure he will immediatly reply to this thread so it will be good practice for not replying to him.

Sorry if you think this thread is unneccesarily clogging Mid/High or if you think im being hypocritical because by making this post im just giving him more attention, which is probably all he is looking for, but I felt something had to be done. If a mod thinks this thread is way out of line then go ahead and lock it I guess.

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