Thread: AJ suited
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Old 09-06-2004, 05:07 AM
johnsy johnsy is offline
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Posts: 7
Default AJ suited

2-3 NL hollwood park
Hero (button)-900 Villan (BB)-700 Villan2(SB)-300
Relativley LAP game.....was away from the game for a short while and Villan1 had amased a huge amount of chips in a short while.....other than that no real read on the villans..........
MP1 limps...Hero makes it 15(AhJh), SB rasies to 30, BB Asks dealer how many callers, thinks for about 5 seconds and then calls(i read as a weakness).....MP1 folds...hero calls
Flop Ac 3s 6d....SB check, BB bet 50, Hero calls based on previous weak read, SB mubles somthing about pocket queens and reluctantly folds...
Turn 8c......Villan bets 50 fast and i go into the tank....ive got him on A10,AJ, or AQ......i have AJ and the SB obviusly folded pocket Queens so im leaning towards A10....i think about moving in but decide it is 2 risky....Hero calls 50
River 6h.......Villan checks (weakness??????).....i go into the tank again....and check
Final pot @ 288
was i underagressive? played well? or should not have been involved in the hand in the first place......also please comment on all streets
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