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Old 09-05-2004, 09:54 PM
uw_madtown uw_madtown is offline
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Default Re: Negreanu\'s tournament theory regarding big pots.

Given that the more chips you have, the less each chip is actually worth (theoretically), I think Negreanu's idea makes sense. I'll usually employ a similar strategy in 2-table SNGs at Party, actually. If I have an adequate stack and the right situation arises where I'm getting not-so-hot odds to chase a flush, I'll usually be willing to take a shot at chasing it with the idea being that winning this big pot when the flush comes it will solidify me as the chip-leader -- and if I don't make the flush, I'll still have enough chips to have a chance to out-maneuver my opponents.

Might just be bad strategy on my part.

- UW
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