Thread: 10 25 nl
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Old 09-01-2004, 01:48 AM
Jason Strasser Jason Strasser is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Durham, NC
Posts: 71
Default Re: 10 25 nl

Let me give this a shot.

Preflop looks fine. Flop looks good, except I'd be a little scared about a smooth call.

The turn is where you develop issues. I think you should bet this turn, although against a very aggressive player who will take this as weakness, I often like to check/call the turn and then figure out the river. In this spot, I think you must bet.

When he min raises, I am finished with this hand. Unless I had absolutely no respect for my opponent, I am done. I have TPTK, and while I hate hearing that you can't ever get involved with a hand like this in a big pot (different situations call for different measures), this is not a great spot for TPTK.

The line your opponent took is of the ultimate trickiness. Do you expect him to do this with a hand you are ahead of? I'd put him on at least a 2-pair. You have to wonder that if you call the min raise, are you drawing live?

And while you have decent odds to call the $350, also realize that it takes you one big step closer to being pot committed. This is where you decide if you want to back up your hand with you stack, where you define your hand. Don't expect a cheap river.

I really think this fold on the turn is extremely routine, especially against any type of solid player.

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