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Old 08-31-2004, 10:07 AM
RydenStoompala RydenStoompala is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
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Default Re: Vegas Trip Report

Good report.

The couple at Monte Carlo play there every few months. I've run into them twice. When I caught them one afternoon, they were behaving just as you describe. The difference was that two of us called over the floor boss and loudly accused them of blatant collusion. They got p-o'd and left, so I only had 20 minutes with them. They took about one rack of profit off the table on the way out the door and the others at the table wondered why nobody had said anything earlier. Those two are freakin criminals. Next time you see that, raise a huge stink and get off the table. If they look at you the wrong way, just laugh at them and leave. You wont see them at Bellagio or Mirage because the floor staff would pick up the phone, have them escorted out to the parking lot and, hopefully, they would get the cheaters sendoff.

The MC dealer was so wrong he may as well have said one-eyed jacks are wild. The bully should have been warned on the spot, "once more and you're out."

Glad you had a good trip. Next time you'll know that certain rooms, like the MC, do need some input from the players now and then.
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