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Old 08-30-2004, 08:41 AM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 677
Default Re: I\'d rather have a losing session than this? (probably not)

this should make you feel a bit better...and realize that you really won alot...

when i go to visit my mom in fl we go on a casino boat and play for the 6 alotted hours.

i play 10/20 (from now on 20/40), and she plays the 2/4/8 game.

after all 6 hours i won a grand total of 2 dollars. it was my first experience w/ something like this as i usually win or lost at the VERY least 1 bb. my mom ended up winning 800 at 2/4/8 and i had $2 to show for my time and "skill" whereas her play ever hand scenario turned out amazingly well.

after a week of thinking about it (YES...A WHOLE WEEK) i realized that i won a great deal of money for the rake. $3 per hand, 40 hands per hour, of which i was in about 7.5/40 hands. i won lets say 30% of the hands i played 2.25 hands where i should have won more than i did and that comes to 6.75 dollars per hour so i paid 6.75*6=40.5 in rake and "won" two dollars so i REALLY won 42.5 dollars which put me above my bb limit. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET!! [keep in mind this is a biased way to calculate rake paid]

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