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Old 08-29-2004, 03:29 PM
sethypooh21 sethypooh21 is offline
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Default Re: Why do I get into pissing matches?


I think you are missing my point. I KNOW THAT THIS IS BAD FOR MY POKER. I'm aware of it. I want to stop. I'm asking for advice on how to stop rather than a lecture on what an arse I've been (which I probably deserve, I admit, but I'm not here for flagellation, I'm here for improvement.)

Not sure why I started with the 'winning player' bit (it all made sense at the time), I think it was to head off the "You must be a loser because only a loser would do this" and "you suck at poker. learn how to play and come back." arguments. If you don't actually think I'm a winning player, that's fine, but FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT, what would you tell a hypothetical winning player with these issues?

I may also have been unclear in my original post. I am not talking about "educating" here. I've (thankfully) managed to quit that. I'm completely aware that my income comes from their poor play. My problem is not "how can you call with that?" but more "F me? NO, F YOU!". Does this make sense?

Ironically, as I read and reread your post, I feel the same kind of anger that usually causes me to 'get into it' with a verbal aggressor at a table. I'm being attacked, must defend...

Let me just finish my response by saying that instead of replying with anthing helpful, you chose to attack me personally. Why is this? I've read a number of your posts and respect you, (congrats on the jackpot, good work with the boss, BTW.) but this response seemed a little mean spirited. I guess I'm just a little frustrated that I posted looking for help on what I know to be a character flaw that I wish to improve upon. Instead of help, I merely get belittled and insulted.

Sorry if I've wasted your time, but I seriously want help with this.

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