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Old 08-29-2004, 10:05 AM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default Flips that are not Flops

Abortion :

Both of Kerry's statements are consistent with the LAW OF THE LAND. At the time of the first statement, US LAW said abortion was within the realm of the States, the second statement was made when US LAW said it was a Federal issue. Being a man of Law, and an upholder of the constitution his statements reflect the correct legal definitions of where the responsibility lies. Kerry didn't flip-flop, the Law did.

Double taxation on dividends:

Kerry was in favor of eliminating "double taxation" on dividends. It was not a flip-flop opposing Bush tax plan which contained provisions to eliminate dividend tax, along with a zillion other things. If I tack on "I love kittens" to a bill that also says "Let's Nuke Texas", by voting against the bill it would be hard to label me as anti-kitten. Bush's tax bill had so much crap in it, the Republicans wouldn't even pass it until it had been heavily modified. I guess all the Republicans in Congress are for double taxation of dividends too.

Irish Heritage:

I'm not going to touch the Jew boogie man question. But I will say this -- GEORGE BUSH IS NOT A COWBOY FROM TEXAS, no matter how big a cowboy hat he wears or how many cowboy boots he owns. Cowboys from Texas don't go to Yale.


Cutting the intelligence budget in the 90s after the fall of a super empire that was our enemy, pretty much makes sense. We didn't have Russia to worry about anymore. The fact that remaining intelligence resouces were not refocused properly or used efficiently wasn't Kerry's fault. I will point out that currently George Bush is wanting to go forward with installing a Missle Defense System in Alaska (which will protect us from ICBMs launched from Russia). Could someone tell George that the Russian ICBMs are gone, and we need to protect ourselves from Terrorists (that are not in Russia).

None of these are flip-flops. Although the last example is very good example of why WE SHOULD FLIP-FLOP. The world changes, conditions change, blind STAY THE COURSE answers to questions that no longer exist is pretty stupid.
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