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Old 08-29-2004, 03:41 AM
sethypooh21 sethypooh21 is offline
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Default Why do I get into pissing matches?

For the sake of argument, let's assume I'm a winning player. (My results say so, but 15 months is too short a sample size, blah blah blah...).

Why then do I still feel compelled to get into to pointless verbal joustings. I've worked really hard to cut down on this, but I sometimes still 'mix it up'. I'm getting better at not starting it, but for some reason, as soon as someone offeres a verbal challenge, it's on. It's stupid and counterproductive.

In the athletic context, is has some value, I feel. "Trash talk" helps keep me focused and gets the adrenaline flowing. In poker, it rarely does anything productive. I think I avoid tilt well, but doesn't everyone? Do I really want people at the table focused on beating me?

Where does this come from, and what can I do to stop it? I really feel this is hindering my progress up the limits.

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