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Old 08-28-2004, 09:25 PM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default I\'ll take a shot.

Q-1) Jim Smith earns $ 45,000 per year and pays an adjusted tax liability for 15%, Jim’s brother Tim earns $ 500.000 per year and pays an adjusted tax liability of 20%. Who pays more in taxes Jim or Tim.

-I don't know the definition for adjusted tax liability so I will have to guess that Jim's 15% of $45,000 is much more than 20% of $500, in monetary terms. In percentage terms, than Tim's 20% is larger than Jim's 15%. Are they taking advantage of the solar energy tax credit?

Q-2) Jim makes car payments of $ 225.00, credit card payments of $ 350.00 and a cable bill of 75.00. Tim invests $ 1,000 per month in his Companies stock. Who creates more jobs Jim or Tim ?

-Well, Jim is pumping a bunch of money into the economy keeping car, credit card, and cable business humming. Once a company issues stock, it gets it's money, so Tim buying stock in a secondary market is keeping a stock broker working somewhere, but isn't benefiting the actual company directly at all, if that is what is being implied. Can't say who creates more jobs, do either have a kid mow their grass or do they do it themselves?

Q-3) Mary Johnson is un-wed, unemployed, has 9 children and lives on government support. Her children go to public school. Her sister Judy Jones has one child, sends her child to privet school at her own expense. Who pay more school tax Mary or Judy?

-I didn't know they had a school for privets, but I hope spelling is taught there. Since school taxes are usually based on personal property taxes, it is hard to say who pays more. It depends on the State and Tax District they live in, and how much personal property they own. I guess the Conservative Answer would be unemployed Mary Johnson pays more, since she pays the taxes on the Cadillac the government gave her, while Judy drives an old sensible Republican Honda. Of course, marital status, number of children, and employment have nothing to do with your School Tax Levy so I don't know why that information is given.

Q-4) John Kerry served heroically ( questionable). for four months in a combat zone And nineteen years in the Congress apposing national security legislation . President Bush also served as a F-102 pilot TANG. Brought down two of the most horrific regimes in history. Who do you trust to protect America, George or John?

-Kerry apposing national security legislation? I didn't think "apposing" is an actual english word. Most horrific regimes? Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Amin?
Anyways, George's track record of driving the US Treasury into the ground, I think is probably the most dangerous thing in the long run for America.

Q-5) John Kerry has no experience in the business world other than living off his wife’s trust fund and the bribes he’s collected while in Congress. President Bush has been both unsuccessful and very successful in business. He has an MBA from Harvard Business School and supposedly that’s about as good as it gets. Who do you trust to handle the economy?

-Based on what Bush has done in his first four years, I trust Kerry more. I'm still trying to find the sucessful business venture that it is claimed Bush ran.

Q-6) George Bush believes reducing taxes, allowing the money to flow back in to the economy it will increase jobs, increase productivity, increase revenues and improve the economy. John Kerry believes raising taxes letting the government decide how to spend the money will increase jobs. Who has the most logical theory George or John?

- The 'trickle down' theory of George's has proved a failure time and again. Government spending like the old WPA, etc. work programs like they did during the Depression proved to be very effective. I think Kerry's theory that the Government being able to directly produce jobs is the most sound.

Q-7) John Kerry is opposed to out-sourcing jobs. John Kerry voted in favor of NAFTA. Favored Nation status for Pacific Rim Countries. John Kerry has voted Yes on every trade bill that’s come before Congress in the past 19 years. George Bush has made every attempt to convince Congress we need to use some of our own natural recourses to avoid the dependency on foreign nations. Who’s position seems the more logical. John or George?

-I don't know what the "natural recourses" that George is refering to are, but it seems logical that promoting international and global trade is good for expanding our markets. Trade is good. We can't become rich by everyone in the nation doing each other's laundry.

Q-8) John Kerry believes the French, Germans, Russians and the UN can better run our foreign policy than our own President. George Bush believes we are better equipped to handle our own foreign policy than the elite Euros. Who do you agree with Kerry or Bush?

-I'll have to agree with Kerry, the French, Germans, Russians or the UN probably could have done a better job of running foreign policy than George has done. If anything, they might have been able to avoid the quagmire of Iraq.

Q-9) John Kerry says George Bush is the most failed President since Herbert Hoover. John Kerry doesn’t know much about the Hoover administration and what it faced at the time. Do you think the country is worse off than in the 1930’s?

-I don't think that Kerry would have said "most failed", that sounds like a Bushism to me. But no, technology and other advances in civilization has made us much better off now than in the 30s.

Q-10) John Kerry seems to think that President Bush is to blame for supposed ills the country is suffering from in his opinion. Do you think this country is on the edge of immediate disaster?

-Immediate disaster? No, I'll leave that to the Far Right Religious Wackos and their "rapture" theories.

Q-11) John Kerry has been in Congress for nineteen years. What responsibility do you give Congress for the supposed ills John Kerry think we are suffering from?

-Since Congress has had a Republican Majority for a very long time, I think that is a big part of the ills we are suffering from.

Q-12 ) America is a better, safer, wiser, prouder Nation today because of George Bush, Yes or No.

-A last an easy question. Better? No. Safer? No. Wiser? LOL. Prouder? Yes, sales of Made In China American flags are at an all time high.

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